Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day–January 2015

Hippeastrum 'Stardust'

Hippeastrum ‘Stardust’

With apologies, as last week’s arctic blast obliterated garden blooms.  That’s gardening!

Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see who had better luck.

20 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day–January 2015

  1. rusty duck

    That looks like it’s going to be a stunner when it comes out.
    It had been mild so far here this winter only now it seems to be changing. We’ve had just about every type of weather known to man in the last 48 hours. I do hate it when flowers emerge early only to be hit for six by something or other.

    1. Marian St.Clair Post author

      Jessica–This is the first time I’ve tried Stardust so I’m looking foward to seeing the bloom, which I hope opens very quickly as I’m traveling again next week. It made good progress today!

    1. Marian St.Clair Post author

      Chloris–I’m sure the camellias and etc will be fine, I’m more worried about the Acanthus ‘Summer Beauty’ which didn’t bloom last summer because it had been hit hard by last winter’s low temperatures. I piled leaves around the clump and covered all with a super-size tree bucket. Fingers crossed.

    1. Marian St.Clair Post author

      Helen–You’re exactly right. In January, I fill my large kitchen window with a varied collection of pretty plants to get me through the worst months of winter. This year I have lots of succulents.

  2. Pauline

    Sorry to hear that your plants got zapped, I hope they will recover and put up more blooms for you. Your Hippeastrum is going to be so beautiful, I have one which is almost open but not quite, they certainly brighten up the house on a January day.

    1. Marian St.Clair Post author

      Pauline–You’re right, I don’t have time for houseplants in December, but they help fill the house when the decorations come down and make it cheerful in the dull months.

  3. Marian St.Clair Post author

    Anna–There’s nothing like seeing a plant grow and bloom so dramaticly when its bitter outside. I particularily like the phase photographed here, when the buds are almost ready to open.


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